Category Archives: Open World

No Man’s Skyrim or: Fallout in Space

After we played “No Man’s Sky” really intensively this year (and were very disappointed in the end), I didn’t have another space game on my list – until I became aware of “Starfield”. Bethesda is releasing a space adventure game, and God and the world were excited about it; apparently it just passed me by completely. Since it was included in GamePass, we played it right when it was released – and I came to a surprising conclusion. This article contains spoilers!

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The weird West

Today’s game was another one of those random discoveries I sometimes make. Advertised on the GamePass homepage, “Weird West” almost seemed like an entertaining indie title that you play through in one, maybe two streams. The ratings were definitely positive, but not outstanding – it seemed worth a try. You can read here how much it was really worth in the end and how weird the whole experience actually was.

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What Happens in Vegas…

I have a difficult relationship with Bethesda games. On the one hand, I never get tired of pointing out bugs in games and getting upset about them, especially with this publisher. On the other hand, there are franchises that I don’t bat an eyelid at to lower my standards. From one of these franchises comes the game that this article will be about – Fallout: New Vegas. Read here how I liked it.

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Missing the forest for the trees

Today it’s about a game that I didn’t actually stream – you could still watch though. In this article we talk about how I wanted to go on vacation with Luzi, DeeDee and Rafi and how things didn’t quite go as planned – it’s about The Forest.

Note: The images have been edited to replace the camera image of the person playing. That’s why those in the corners sometimes look a bit strange. Don’t be surprised!

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