Category Archives: Platformer

Like the Simpsons, just better

As most of you probably already know, I’m a huge fan of the tv show “Family Guy”. I don’t know why, but I just love the mixture of very dull and very profound humor – more than the competition from, for example, “The Simpsons”. This article is not supposed to be about the show, but about the video game of the same name – does it get me hooked just like the show?

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Advanced mountaineering

The game we’re going to be exploring today is one of my favorite genres of all: free. Well, it’s not free per se, but a viewer was kind enough to gift it to me. But I’m not averse to the actual genre either, namely the 2D platformers. That’s why we took a look at Celeste on two afternoons and climbed a mountain – you can read here how it went.

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SpongeBob: Bikini Bottom, Re-Rehydrated

“SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated” is a video game from the – go figure – SpongeBob SquarePants universe. It is the re-release of the original title from 2003 and was a very entertaining jump’n’run game for us almost two years ago. A new installment was released this year with SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake. I was really excited about the old part, so we played the new one shortly after it was released. Read here what I think about it.

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Nino and Quill are saving the world!

Puzzle and VR – a mixture that, in my opinion, harmonizes perfectly, but can also go completely wrong. I’m a big fan of both genres, so today’s games definitely piqued my interest: Moss Book I and II. First released exclusively for PS VR, but thankfully later for PC. A strange mix of classic and VR controls. And a special main character – can that be good?

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