What Happens in Vegas…

I have a difficult relationship with Bethesda games. On the one hand, I never get tired of pointing out bugs in games and getting upset about them, especially with this publisher. On the other hand, there are franchises that I don’t bat an eyelid at to lower my standards. From one of these franchises comes the game that this article will be about – Fallout: New Vegas. Read here how I liked it.

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The longest of all journeys โ€“ Part II

In the last article we talked about the first part of the “The Longest Journey” series, today we are talking about part two. “Dreamfall: The Longest Journey” does not show any particular ingenuity in its title, but that is not the point. Today we’re looking at the story and the change of genre – and what I thought of it.

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Missing the forest for the trees

Today it’s about a game that I didn’t actually stream – you could still watch though. In this article we talk about how I wanted to go on vacation with Luzi, DeeDee and Rafi and how things didn’t quite go as planned – it’s about The Forest.

Note: The images have been edited to replace the camera image of the person playing. That’s why those in the corners sometimes look a bit strange. Don’t be surprised!

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Advanced mountaineering

The game we’re going to be exploring today is one of my favorite genres of all: free. Well, it’s not free per se, but a viewer was kind enough to gift it to me. But I’m not averse to the actual genre either, namely the 2D platformers. That’s why we took a look at Celeste on two afternoons and climbed a mountain – you can read here how it went.

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